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Elsevier goes live on adDepot

5 fifteen this week announced the go-live of its ad booking and processing software, ad DEPOT, by Elsevier, part of the RELX Group.

Elsevier is a leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services — among them Science Direct, Scopus, Elsevier Research Intelligence and ClinicalKey — and publishes more than 2,500 journals, including The Lancet and Cell.

Designed and produced specifically for the publishing industry, adDepot is an integrated cloud solution for advertising sales, order processing and billing.

“Having worked with 5Fifteen’s Maxim tool for more than ten years, Elsevier wished to improve workflow through a more integrated solution and facilitate growth in digital display advertising. 5Fifteen were able to support our due diligence and in adDepot demonstrate all of the capabilities that we required. We were also able to show that adDepot fits well within our enterprise architecture, and that the solution supports our cloud computing strategy,” states Keith Whiter, Systems Development Director for order-to-cash at Elsevier. “ad DEPOT not only meets our requirements, but we are of course pleased to leverage the knowledge of our business within the 5Fifteen team. 5Fifteen have again showed that they are able to present a personal, professional service and are clearly committed to deliver."

According to 5 fifteen, the ad DEPOT system will handle display advertising bookings for both print and online media. The software enables users to track and sell advertising directly and on behalf of representatives, as well as manage billing and salesforce automation, providing true end-to-end control of advertising sales, production and delivery processes.

Paul McKinley, General Manager, 5 fifteen, comments, “We knew that we could deliver to Elsevier a magazine advertising system quickly and effectively. We have been working with the project team at Elsevier to deliver a solution that includes significant enhancements in a fast-track timescale and at low cost. We are delighted to have gone live with this project which includes interfaces to on-premise applications as well as users in the UK, USA, Holland and India.”