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Emerald acquires three journals

Emerald Publishing has acquired the list of three journals from US-based publisher PrAcademics Press for 2018 publication.

The three journals are:

* Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management (JPBAFM)

* Journal of Public Procurement (JOPP)

* International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior (IJOTB)

Professor (ret'd) Khi V. Thai, Owner of PrAcademics Press, said: “PrAcademics Press was created in 2001 after acquiring JPBAFM and IJOTB. Shortly after, JOPP (a premiere journal in the field of public procurement) was launched under the sponsorship of the National Institute of Government Purchasing of US and Canada.”

“As an academician, I nurtured these journals, working closely with authors to disseminate their research. I believe that with Emerald Publishing’s international network and reputation will serve to help boost the respective international profiles and reputations of these cherished journals.”

These journals add significant value to Emerald’s existing journal collections, particularly to Emerald’s offering in the North American market; Emerald is one of the largest publishers in Business and Management journals, and these journals will enrich the quality and breadth of research published, particularly in areas of public administration, public procurement and organization theory, says Emerald.

The journals have close associations with several societies, including partnerships with the National Institute for Government Purchasing, American Society of Public Administration and the International Public Procurement Conference. Emerald says it is keen to deepen these existing partnerships to ensure these journals remain a key outlet for those memberships.

Meloney Bartlett, Head of Publishing at Emerald Publishing added: “We are delighted to welcome the journals from PrAcademics Press to Emerald. With a rich history of publishing research in applied fields, Emerald welcomes the opportunity to continue the excellent work of Professor Thai in working with these research communities, to help them make the best and most informed decisions in their professional specialties.”