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Emerald launches new open access platform

Emerald has announced that Emerald Open Research, its new open access platform, is now open for submissions.

Emerald launches new open access platform

Created in partnership with F1000, the platform, which serves the social sciences community, offers authors immediate publication followed by transparent open peer review, and supports an open data policy.

This means all data sets - as well as the research - will become freely available to reuse, repurpose, and redistribute.

With the drive towards open research becoming more significant, says Emerald, they wanted to create a platform that supported easy, rapid and transparent publishing whilst giving authors the opportunity to increase the discoverability, accessibility and impact of research.

The only open social sciences platform of its kind, Emerald Open Research offers a new and innovative way to rapidly publish a range of research outputs, from original research articles to case studies and data notes, says the company.

Emerald Open Research will be based on multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research themes that address crucial real world topics aligned to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. At launch Emerald Open Research will offer six gateways – each of them now open to submissions:

• Sustainable Food Systems

• Healthy Lives

• Responsible Management

• Sustainable Cities

• 21st Century Education

• Digital World

Emerald Open Research, along with each individual gateway, will be supported by an advisory board of academics and practitioners who will advocate the benefits of an open publishing workflow and support in commissioning content.

Tony Roche, Publishing and Strategic Relationships Director for Emerald, Emerald, said: “Emerald Open Research is much broader than open access. It also includes open data, open science, open peer review, open methodology and open educational resources.

“The vision for Emerald Open Research is to make all this available to support the progress of research and engagement with research by anyone with an interest.

“We’re committed to supporting meaningful, real world impact. Our core ethos remains to make a difference through research, and we’re proud of our heritage of supporting the communication of research for policy and practice. Introducing a platform that entails open research capabilities for our communities is completely aligned with this vision.

“So, by speeding up the availability and dissemination of research and underlying data, surveys or other research elements and making them available on an open access basis - and by creating an environment not just for peer review by researchers, but also for commentary - we plan to get new work into the hands of researchers and a host of new audiences that are intended to be the ultimate beneficiaries of that work.”