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Emerald Publishing acquires Open House International

Open House International is a journal dedicated to housing, design, planning and development in the built environment.

Emerald Publishing acquires Open House International
Tony Roche: “We are delighted to welcome Open House International into our portfolio.”

The new acquisition complements Emerald’s existing portfolio of journals in Property Management and Built Environment by expanding their coverage in architectural and design research, specifically urban design, urban planning, cities and sustainable urbanism.

Speaking of the new acquisition, Tony Roche, Publishing and Strategic Relations Director at Emerald, said “We are delighted to welcome Open House International into our portfolio. The journal has a long-standing and excellent reputation amongst the architecture and planning communities, with contributions extending across architecture, design, urban studies and housing. The interdisciplinary nature of the topics fit perfectly with our ambition to provide rigorous content with real world application. We are very grateful to the Wilkinson family for choosing Emerald as publishing partner and look forward to co-creating new forms of digital content with the Editorial team, whilst bringing Open House International to an ever wider readership.”

Ashraf M. Salama and Yonca Hurol, Editors of Open House International commented: “Our aim is to capitalise on the legacy of Nicholas Wilkinson and ensure that Open House International is one of the leading journals in architecture, building technology and urban design, while diversifying its contributions and readership. The acquisition of the journal by Emerald is an excellent step towards this aim.”

The journal has two main areas of focus. The first area concentrates on socially and culturally sustainable architecture and urban design, and includes topics such as action planning; affordable homes; building and urban design; building design & planning for social sustainability; culture and built form; gender issues in design; habitat agenda; housing planning and production; sustainable cities; socio-spatial justice; user participation; vernacular architecture and self-built housing development.

The second area of focus is built environment tectonics and technologies. This includes building technologies and materiality; building performance and energy simulation and conservation strategies; environmental planning and design; open building; prefabrication; restoration and conservation technologies; tectonics of traditional architecture; and application of information technologies in design and construction processes.

Open House International joins Emerald Publishing’s portfolio of over 340 journals.