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EMJ wins a Queen's Award for Enterprise

EMJ, a healthcare publishing brand, has been given a Queen’s Award for Enterprise for International Trade.

EMJ wins a Queen's Award for Enterprise
Spencer Gore: “We are ambitious to do more and this fantastic award will certainly help us do that.”

EMJ is one of 228 organisations nationally to be recognised by the Queen’s Award for Enterprise scheme, announced yesterday.

EMJ, set up in 2012, publishes journals across a range of therapeutic areas from rheumatology to cardiology and offer free and open access to all.

Their commercial model is built around enabling organisations, particularly pharmaceutical firms, to reach healthcare professionals through the publication and sponsorship of congress highlights and reviews, says the company.

Spencer Gore, Founder and Executive Chairman, said that the award was a testament to all those who worked at EMJ and who had made it the international success it is: “Getting a Queen’s Award for Enterprise for International Trade is very exciting for everyone and a great reward for 10 years’ hard work. It’s a huge honour and we will wear its badge with pride. Global healthcare education has never been more needed and we are delighted that EMJ’s role in its delivery and elevation has been recognised by such an influential scheme. We are ambitious to do more and this fantastic award will certainly help us do that.”

Chairman of EMJ Medical Advisory Board, Professor Jonathan Sackier, commented: “This award is fantastic achievement and I am sure will help EMJ to play an even more explicit part in championing improved healthcare education across the globe.”

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