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ESI Media launches one-off Late Night Evening Standard

ESI Media will be celebrating the opening of the 24-hour service on the tube with a one-off, late night edition of The Evening Standard.

80,000 copies of the 36-page, late night edition will be handed out by Evening Standard vendors between 6.00pm-11.00pm on 19th August 2016 at active night-tube stations on the Victoria and Central Lines in Zone 1.

The launch, announced at Goodstuff’s Creative Showcase on Wednesday, will cement the London Evening Standard’s position at the heart of London’s 24/7 culture, say the publishers.

Like its daytime counterpart, the Late Night Standard will celebrate everything London offers, but with an additional focus on what to do, where to go, what to eat and what to wear after dark in the capital. It will cover everything from night-tube etiquette, to tales from the workers who keep London up and active throughout the night. Included in the paper will be a special extension of the Evening Standard’s Going Out guide, titled ‘Staying Out’.

Expected to reach a younger, 18-35 demographic than the daytime paper, the Late Night edition will give brands a unique opportunity to reach The Evening Standard’s young, engaged and affluent audience in a new way, says ESI Media. As well as in-paper opportunities for brands, the Late Night Standard will also offer experiential and sampling opportunities for brands.

Jon O’Donnell, Managing Director of ESI Media said: "Our brands play a central role in the power house city that is London so it is only right that we are front and centre of a major arrival like the all night tube. For one night only the Late Night Standard will give readers all they need to know about what's going on but with a twist of late night mischief."