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Exeter Express achieves 46% rise as a weekly

The Express & Echo in Exeter has published its first audited sale figure since converting to a weekly title 3 months ago.

The new weekly circulation figure is 24,255 – 46% higher than its last audited figure as a daily title.

Andrew Blair, Managing Director, said: “This change has been really well received by both readers and community leaders. Our advertising customers are also enjoying the increased value that the significant increase in circulation is delivering. The new weekly format enables the Express & Echo to look forward with renewed confidence in serving the needs of Exeter and we are genuinely excited by that prospect.”

Steve Auckland (pictured), Group Managing Director, Northcliffe Media, said: “This is further evidence that our daily to weekly strategy was the right decision to improve the performance of Northcliffe Media, Marc Astley (Editor) and his team have done a great job in bringing about such a positive change that has been recognised by readers, advertisers and the community.”