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Express launches ‘Ukrainians in the UK’ to help Ukrainian refugees

On Friday, the Express launched Ukrainians in the UK, a subsite to the main Express website providing a one-stop shop for Ukrainian refugees and their hosts.

Express launches ‘Ukrainians in the UK’ to help Ukrainian refugees
Gary Jones: “The lives of Ukrainian people will never be the same again but it’s our duty as Brits to help where we can.”

The site aims to provide them with all the relevant information and advice they need to settle in the UK.

The new dedicated area of the Express website will include practical advice; from finding accommodation to opening a bank account and registering for a doctor. It will also include sections on housing, language, education, employment, healthcare and finance.

The subsite will be prominently promoted from the Express homepage and will also feature a Facebook group where Ukrainians in the UK can safely meet online, exchange stories and help each other feel more at home. The Express site has had 100,000 users visit from Ukraine since the start of the year and 34,000 since the start of the war, say the publishers.

The site features a welcome video messages from key figures, including the Prime Minister in which he says: “I just wanted to offer my sincerest heartfelt welcome to our Ukrainian friends and say it’s fantastic to have you here in the United Kingdom and I hope this website will help you with vital information about housing, education, employment, and many other things, including the mysteries of British Culture.

“We’re doing everything we can with Ukraine’s struggle for freedom and we’re delighted to offer our Ukrainian friends a place of safety here in our country.

“I’m grateful to the Daily Express, a great and historic newspaper for hosting this website and I hope you’ll find it useful as you settle in and make the most of your life in the United Kingdom.”

The subsite has also received endorsement from Enver Solomon, CEO of the Refugee Council, who said: “The British public has responded with compassion and generosity to this conflict.

“In the coming weeks both Ukrainian refugees and their UK hosts will need help and will have many questions they need answers to.

“This website aims to be a helpful source of advice and information and should be a useful resource to both groups.”

Starting this week, to accompany the subsite, there will also be a weekly newsletter with all the latest news and developments impacting Ukrainian arrivals.

Editor-in-Chief Gary Jones said: “The human cost of war, the devastating stories of women and children fleeing Ukraine, have really resonated with our readers. They have been very vocal about wanting to help the people of Ukraine; but with all the red tape and bureaucracy many of them don’t know where to start.

“With approximately 100m users visiting our site every month we are in a great position to try to make the process of resettlement easier.

“The lives of Ukrainian people will never be the same again but it’s our duty as Brits to help where we can.”

The hub was constructed in under three weeks. It is in English, but the team is currently working on a translation facility, so all the stories and information will also be available in Ukrainian.

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