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Field Gibson Media acquires Fulton Publishing

Field Gibson Media Ltd, owned by Peter Field, founder of Risk magazine, and Tony Gibson, former chief executive of Financial News, has bought Fulton Publishing, which publishes Environmental Finance and Carbon Finance, for an undisclosed sum.

FGM produces the specialist news and analysis service, InsuranceERM, which serves finance, risk, actuarial, technology and regulatory professionsals in insurance. The service was started at the end of 2008 and moved to a paid-subscription model in March 2011.

Environmental Finance was founded by Graham Cooper, a former editor of Risk, and Mark Nicholls in 1999 and has developed a strong readership base and brand awareness among professionals covering the environment in banking, multi-lateral institutions, governments and the corporate sector. Carbon Finance was set up in 2003 to report on market solutions to climate change.

Field (pictured), who sold Risk Waters Group to Incisive Media in 2003, said Field Gibson Media had been looking at moving into the environmental finance/risk area for the past couple of years, so acquiring Fulton made perfect sense. “There’s a lot of activity by reinsurers and insurers in the environmental area so Fulton is a logical fit. We have a lot of ideas about how to expand our coverage of this area and we have the capital to do this.”

“We see a number of synergies between the two companies and are delighted to have the expertise of FGM to help grow the business,” said Cooper.

Field will become chairman of Fulton and Gibson managing director. All the staff are expected to remain, with Cooper taking on a consulting role for InsuranceERM, as well as Environmental Finance and Carbon Finance.  Nicholls will continue to direct editorial at Environmental Finance and Carbon Finance.

Bertoli Mitchell and Keystone Law advised Fulton on the transaction. Field Gibson was advised by Finers Stephens Innocent.