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News and McDonald's continue Monopoly partnership is confirmed for the second year as a lead partner in the McDonald's Easy Win Monopoly nationwide promotion.

The competition offers customers the chance to win £300k to buy a home with as part of the promotional prize pool. will feature prominently across all TV advertisements, print, online and in-store within the significant UK promotional campaign. The competition began on March 24 after pre-promotional marketing activity.

Sarah Boorman, The Digital Property Group's brand director, commented: "The 2009 McDonald's partnership yielded outstanding results for as well as our agent advertisers. Post-campaign analysis saw an 8% increase in brand recognition with 57% of agents believing the campaign added value to their business."

Over the six week promotion, branding will appear in McDonald's 1,200 restaurants which attract a daily footfall of well over two million customers. The heavy-weight TV promotion commences on March 20 and finishes on the April 25. This is supported by a print campaign within Metro, The Sun, Daily Mirror, Daily Record and Daily Star, in addition to significant coverage within DMGT national and over regional Northcliffe titles. The online campaign will also appear on several leading consumer websites such as Facebook and eBay and the advertisement will be hosted on Video On Demand.

Boorman continues: "The McDonald's promotion resonates with our core audience of renters, young families and buyers in the early stages of moving up the property ladder. The promotion is designed to link this audience of active home movers with their local agency experts – delivering more enquiries and more instructions."

Alistair Macrow, marketing director for McDonald's UK, said: "Monopoly is one of our customers' favourite promotions and we are delighted to be bringing a touch of magic to this year's Easy Win Monopoly with the chance to win incredible, life-changing prizes such as a new home."

The McDonald's promotion forms part of an extensive £13 million promotion campaign for The Digital Property Group brands across March, April and May. This is the second year in succession that is a lead sponsor. In 2009 Jeanette Forrester from Shropshire won £300k towards a new home with the help of advertiser Nock Deighton.