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First speakers announced for Newspaper Congress

The speaker line-up for the 64th World Newspaper Congress and 19th World Editors Forum in Kiev this September has speakers from North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.

Organized by WAN-IFRA, the global organisation of the world’s newspapers and news publishers, the Congress and Editors Forum, to be held from 2 to 5 September next, is expected to bring together more than 1,200 newspaper publishers, chief editors and other senior executives from more than 100 countries.

First confirmed speakers include:

• Carlos Fernando Lindenberg Neto, CEO, Rede Gazeta, Brazil

• Michael Golden, Vice Chairman The New York Times Company and former publisher of the IHT, USA

• Tomas Brunegård, CEO and President, Stampen AB, Sweden

• Gregory Hywood, CEO Fairfax, Australia

• Trevor Ncube, Deputy Executive Chairman, Mail & Guardian, South Africa

• Laura Evans, Chief Experience Officer, Washington Post, USA

• Mohamad K. Alayyan, Publisher & Chairman, United Jordan Press, Jordan

• Pichai Chuensuksawadi, Editor-in-Chief, Post Publishing - Bangkok Post, Thailand

• Florian Bauer, CEO, Vocatus, Germany

• Dipankar Das Purkayastha, ABP, CEO and President, India

• Rainer Esser, CEO, Zeit, Germany

• Juan Señor, Partner, Innovation International Media Consulting Group

This year’s event takes the theme "Shaping the Future of the Newspaper." Sessions will cover topics that are crucial to publishers and editors who are looking for print and digital success:

• Around the world in 60 Minutes - trends from key regions;

• Global report on innovations in newspapers, from the Innovations International Media Consulting Group;

• Winners shaping the future - best cases from inside and outside the industry;

• Leadership - Steering the new news organisation through unchartered waters;

• Revenue - Pinpointing sensible growth and new revenue strategies;

• Audience - Reeling in readers and advertisers the right way;

• Print's prospects for tomorrow's publishing ecosystem;

• Digital revolution - paid content, tablets and smartphones.

The evolving conference programmes and other details can be found at

Alongside the World Newspaper Congress and the World Editors Forum, the Info Services Expo will present innovative solutions from the international suppliers’ community. The exhibition offers visitors the opportunity to meet the leading suppliers to the newspaper industry and discover cutting-edge products, services and technologies, says WAN-IFRA.

As always, the events are accompanied by an array of social events, gala dinners and lunches and are considered to be the premier opportunity to meet colleagues from around the world.