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Forbes appoints Diane Brady

Forbes Chief Content Officer Randall Lane yesterday announced the appointment of veteran business journalist Diane Brady as Assistant Managing Editor for Communities and Leadership.

Forbes appoints Diane Brady
Diane Brady: “One of the things that’s very powerful about these communities is that they create a ‘village green’ for conversation and knowledge-sharing.”

Diane will oversee Forbes’ editorial communities focused on the C-suite and aspiring entrepreneurial networks.

Brady, who brings to the position diverse experience as an accomplished journalist, entrepreneur and content creator, will partner with the editors of Forbes’ CxO, CEO, CMO, CIO networks, as well as its ForbesWomen, Small Business, Under 30 and For(bes) The Culture communities. She will work closely with the editors of each to create content that drives engagement with Forbes audiences across all platforms – online, on social, LIVE/virtual, newsletters and video – while identifying new opportunities and harnessing emerging channels to cultivate deeper relationships, says Forbes.

“My favourite trait about Diane is her entrepreneurial streak: for most of the past five years, she ran her own media shop, dB Omnimedia, where she developed multiplatform content,” Lane said in a note to the Forbes newsroom. “Most recently, as senior editor at McKinsey & Company, she worked on community building and developing new content initiatives – exactly the skills we sought in this position.”

“One of the things that’s very powerful about these communities is that they create a ‘village green’ for conversation and knowledge-sharing,” Brady said. “And with the proliferation of platforms, we have nearly infinite possibilities to engage in meaningful and compelling ways with audiences by building customer experiences where people feel like they can learn from – and share intelligence with – their peers.”

Brady starts May 24th. In her role, she’ll work closely with the editors of each network: Steven Bertoni (Forbes CEO); Marty Swant (Forbes CMO); Maggie McGrath (ForbesWomen); Martin Giles (Forbes CIO); Maneet Ahuja (Small Business); Alexandra Wilson (Under 30), and Ali Jackson-Jolley, Brianne Garrett and Rashaad Lambert (For(bes) The Culture). She’ll also continue to lead the recently introduced Forbes CxO platform, which draws upon the deep editorial coverage of each community and spotlights the unprecedented collaboration taking place in the C-suite today, says the company.

In her career, Brady has served: as a senior editor/content chief at Bloomberg BusinessWeek; as a staff reporter at The Wall Street Journal, and as an associate editor at Maclean’s. She holds a masters in journalism from Columbia University and a graduate degree from the University of Nairobi. She earned her bachelor’s degree in history/political science from the University of Toronto – Victoria University. A prolific writer, she is also the author of Fraternity, the account of the Rev John Brooks and the cohort of extraordinary young black men he shepherded through Holy Cross College.

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