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News launches new home page has launched a new home page, intended to better meet the needs of its audience.

The new home page gives voice to three key participants in the media business: journalists, news enthusiasts and marketers and further reinforces Forbes’ strategy to put authoritative journalism at the center of the social media experience.

Forbes Chief Product Officer, Lewis D’Vorkin, wrote the following blog post, to explain their strategy:

Inside Forbes: The 5 Reasons Behind Our Bold New Home Page

Stop the Digital Presses: FORBES is disrupting the media model for news.

I have this thing about home pages of news and information sites. They pretty much all look, feel and function the same — equal parts overwhelming, lifeless, a chore to navigate. A colleague of mine calls it “user punishment.” On, I recently counted 315 links (373 if you include the 58 links in two drop-down menus)., a quasi news site, asks you to click through a 40-slide module to find what might interest you. Others blind you with a mishmash of bright colors, squares, rectangles and circles. More telling, every one is a throwback to another era. Editors present their agenda as if it’s the only one that matters.

Today, FORBES launched a bold new home page that’s nothing like any of that. It’s based on a core belief that there are three vital voices in the media business, each with a distinct agenda: journalists and other knowledgeable content creators; the audience, which includes news enthusiasts with specific needs and expertise; and marketers, many who are fast becoming publishers, too. These groups want — in fact, deserve — to be heard. They want to be participants and decision makers in a credible news environment. Our new home page sits atop a platform designed to make that possible, always with complete transparency and clear labeling.

On our new home page, each constituency — and the larger social view — is represented in one of four equal modules, or as we call them, stacks:

1. The journalistic agenda.

FORBES is a brand that has meaning. We’re about free enterprise, entrepreneurial capitalism, smart investing and the rewards that come with hard work. We’re about aspiration and success. That’s the prism through which our staff reporters and expert contributors now publish 500 posts a day. Our experienced editorial team uses that same filter to pick the most timely, most relevant and most important items (in their view) for home page promotion. We’ve developed three different treatments for the editorial stack: a more traditional presentation with a lead photo promotion and 6 additional story links, a bold single photo-enhanced story, and two photo-enhanced stories. Using the best tools in the news business, an editor can program each stack in 60 seconds or less.

2. The social agenda.

What is news? Simple: what’s new and interesting to you, not necessarily what we think is most important and not always when we say it is. The most popular stack, which updates every 15 minutes, includes trending stories across our site based on FORBES Velocity, an algorithm that weighs page views, sharing and comments. Stories enter and exit the list in the audience’s time frame of interest, not ours. More than a billion consumers get their news through social recommendations. Now, you can see the most shared FORBES stories on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. (Most read stories, or those based solely on accumulated page views over time, can be found on this recently released page and in the right rail of every article page.)

3. The individual user’s agenda.

Personalization with serendipity is the Holy Grail. The third home page stack makes that possible. If you’re not logged in, we’ll recommend FORBES writers and people, places, companies and organizations from our popular lists for you to follow (see the first image below). Recent headlines appear when you roll over the photos. To start to follow, you must sign up and register (either on the home page or any article page) using credentials from any of 12 social accounts, or you can set up a FORBES account. Once you do register and log in, you’ll see your personal avatar and the photos of all the people and organizations you choose to follow (see the second image below). You can track recent posts for everything you follow by rolling over each photo or scanning Your Follow Feed to the right. Now, you can organize, personalize, filter and manage your FORBES experience and still explore the world outside the one you create — all on the same screen. (The FORBES Follow Bar, which we launched a few weeks ago, is persistent navigation across our site that helps keep track of your selected interests).

4. The marketer’s agenda.

One of the most significant trends in the media business today is brands as publishers. And why not? Marketers have always created content: display ads for print; 30-second spots for broadcast and cable; banner ads for Web sites; research, white papers and much more. With the power and freedom of digital publishing, they can now produce and distribute content just like a journalist. Marketers are experts, too. They know their industry and its place in the larger economy. Our AdVoice program enables them to publish — not pitch — on our platform, with complete transparency and clear labeling for the audience. SAP was our first AdVoice partner 18 months ago. Our millions of daily visitors clearly value what SAP has to say. Its posts have appeared in the most popular module multiple times. Our fourth stack on the home page raises AdVoice partners to a new level of promotion and importance.

Obviously, we have editorial as well as business needs. These four stacks — and a number of others — serve both. We combined news experience and data analysis to develop them. Visual Revenue, a startup, helped us determine how best to group links to maximize clickthrough. Knowing this, editors can program the top news stack and video and features stacks based on instinct, contributor data and usage numbers.

We had inspiration, too. Various tablet designs, particularly the clean, spare sensibility of Flipboard and Instapaper, resonated with us. The look and feel of our new home page remains consistent with the open, linear feel of our article pages. It was also constructed with our growing mobile and tablet audiences in mind. In mid-July, we’ll optimize the home page for those devices (yes, that means a swiping experience).

The fifth reason behind the launch of our new home page speaks to our overall goal: to put our authoritative journalism at the center of a social media experience. First, we did that with a new article page for the era of social media. Now, we’re doing it on our home page. It’s our path to building a sustainable model for journalism.

As always with us, there is more. Today, we also added a new header, footer and The FORBES Follow Bar to the home page. They were integrated on article pages three weeks ago. On the Follow Bar, to the right of the photos, you’ll notice a new Find More to Follow link. It’s a gateway to our 1,000 writers and the nearly 10,000 profile pages for the people, places, companies, colleges and sports teams on our popular lists. You can search for them, too. Later this summer, we’ll be updating our site-wide search experience and other pages across our platform. Then, we’ll introduce new comment features as part of our effort to build a vibrant forum. AdVoice partners will benefit from new curation tools and additional promotional opportunities. Next year will bring another round of product enhancements.

Information is now produced, shared, distributed and consumed in vastly different ways. Over the past two years, we’ve built a brand-building platform for journalists and marketers; an incentive-based content model around distributed authorship; state-of-the-art tools for editors and writers; a new newsroom based on data analysis; new systems to management it all; and an entire new way of engaging with our audience and marketers. That larger strategy is now coming to life on the front door of one of the media industry’s most storied brands.

The fact is, most visitors to any Web site enter through the side doors — that is, article pages — by way of search and social recommendations. Still, a web site’s home page announces loud and clear who you are and what you believe in. Our new home page is distilled to make a statement, to stress the clarity of our vision. FORBES is authoritative, inclusive and open to voices and ideas. It’s the best way we know to serve the needs of our loyal readers — and to extend our 95-year-old brand to a new generation of business news enthusiasts.

Note: Many thanks to each member of our Technology Development team. For two years, they have brought creative thinking and a tireless work ethic to helping FORBES reinvent business journalism. And a special thanks to James Ellis and the team at Athletics, a Brooklyn-based design and user experience studio. They know how to change the world, one digital page at a time.