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Fourth press heralds seismic changes at Buxton

No sooner had Buxton Press commissioned its third Heidelberg Speedmaster XL-106 long-perfecting press last month than it signed up for a fourth press - in total a £15 million spend in just over two years.

Not since the heydays of print has the sheet-fed magazine printing sector seen investment on this scale, says Buxton Press. In under three years Buxton has stripped out all its old press hall kit and replaced it with the latest Heidelberg technology - all complete with CutStars and featuring Inpress Control and Autoplate XL. Buxton Press now claims to have the most advanced sheet-fed magazine printing press hall in the UK.

Kirk Galloway, Managing Director, said: “Some in the industry may think we’re barmy - and perhaps we are! - but our business model with tight fiscal controls has proved to be remarkably resilient throughout the recession and we now feel the time is ripe for a step change at Buxton. Our latest decision to purchase a fourth XL106 so quickly is a considered response to the significant influx of new work - and more work in the pipeline!”

There has been major structural change at Buxton, including a part factory drop and re-build, plus a new extension to house the fourth Heidelberg plus CutStar. In addition, a new Muller stitcher, two auto MBO folders and a third Fuji plate-setter are all to be housed on new production floors.

The extra capacity is also expected to create up to 25 new production / support job opportunities as the workload increases.

Galloway concludes: “The main reasons for our on-going success is not only our willingness to continually invest heavily in the latest technologies and training but in the fact we have a loyal, highly supportive and committed team with a fully flexible approach to the way we work. Buxton is a forward looking, modern company with a true passion for print and we all get a buzz from what we do and what we achieve together… and long may it continue!”