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Frozen Planet Posters – A Great Success

Thanks to strong support from independent newsagents, especially NFRN members, the Daily Mail’s first-ever national collect promotion, Frozen Planet, has been a great success.

Neil Jagger, Circulation Director, said "Sales grew every day of the promotion, whilst the rest of the newspaper market declined. We have had very favourable comments from readers who were grateful that their local newsagent was involved in the promotion and we would like to take this opportunity to thank retailers for their support.”

Now, following discussions with the NFRN and some individual newsagents, Mr Jagger has confirmed that for the next promotion, which starts on March 10, there will be a 2p insertion fee payable for all home delivered copies. This is in recognition of the time pressure and additional work this places on retailers at a key time of the day as retailers will distribute the collect for five days from Monday March 12-Friday 16.

Neil Jagger explained: “After years of running this type of promotion in selected multiple retailers, we have now opened this up to every retailer.

However following successful and sustained negotiations with the NFRN and some individual newsagents we will be paying a handling allowance on home delivered copies. Over the next few days we will let retailers know what they need to do to register and let us know how many copies they deliver and how we will make the payments to them.”

NFRN National President Kieran McDonnell added: "We were pleased that following representations from the NFRN the Daily Mail agreed to extend its innovative Frozen Planet promotion to the independent sector. This was a major breakthrough for our members. In light of the strong support they offered and following our discussions, we are delighted to hear that home news retailers will now receive the 2p handling allowance. I would urge all NFRN members to give this latest promotion from the Daily Mail their full support."