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FT boosts global technology coverage with new editorial team

The Financial Times is expanding its coverage of technology, with more reporters stationed around the globe, a new editing team based in London, and a new destination where readers can go for all FT technology coverage.

FT boosts global technology coverage with new editorial team

From October 1, the FT homepage and app will have a new technology section, bringing together coverage from tech sector specialists and a network of global correspondents. All coverage will be commissioned and edited by a new editing team, led by technology news editor Malcolm Moore.

“For more than 20 years, the FT has brought agenda-setting technology coverage from Silicon Valley and Asia to the rest of the world," said Lionel Barber, editor of the Financial Times. "Technology permeates all areas of our lives and impacts global economies, markets and societies. The creation of this new team reflects the importance of this topic to our readers."

The FT’s first vertical team will boost the FT’s coverage of technology companies, and broaden reporting on innovation in areas like fintech, AI, cybersecurity, transportation and healthcare. It will explore the intersection of tech and politics, helping readers understand the enormous and increasing impact of technology on finance, markets and society, says the FT.

In addition to the creation of a new editing team, the expansion in tech news reporting includes:

  • Tim Bradshaw will be returning to London from the West Coast as global technology correspondent later this year, covering the big stories from Silicon Valley to Europe to Asia.
  • Madhumita Murgia, the FT’s European technology correspondent, will cover AI, innovation and the impact of technology on society.
  • Aliya Ram, based in London, will become technology reporter, covering European technology companies and venture capital.
  • Richard Waters, US West Coast editor, leads a team of reporters covering Silicon Valley.
  • Louise Lucas, Asia technology correspondent in Hong Kong, leads coverage of Chinese tech, with support from Yuan Yang and Emily Feng in Beijing.
  • Kathrin Hille will cover supply chains and Asian technology stories from Taiwan. Kana Inagaki and Leo Lewis support the team from Tokyo.
  • Ravi Mattu, the FT's deputy Asia news editor based in Hong Kong, will steer our tech coverage in the region.
  • Mehreen Khan and Rochelle Toplensky cover the regulatory changes affecting the sector from Brussels, and a similar role will shortly be filled in Washington DC.
  • Lauren Fedor will be the team’s creative producer in London, finding the most engaging and creative ways to tell digital stories that will appeal to the FT’s audience.
  • John Gapper, Rana Foroohar and many other FT commentators will continue to examine the impact on business from technological progress, alongside products such as the daily #techFT newsletter, Tech Tonic, and FT Live events.