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FT launches global marketing campaign

The Financial Times has launched a global, integrated marketing campaign that underscores its position as a trusted source for world news and analysis in turbulent economic times.

The advertisements, comprised of print, online, television and outdoor components, are accompanied by a four-week, risk-free trial subscription to the FT.

Creatives will include a visual rendition of “SOS” in Morse code depicted with global currencies, accompanied by the text “The stormy world economy. Get the trusted, global perspective.” Another will feature a rescue St. Bernard carrying an FT on its collar.

The print and online advertisements will appear in the Economist, Bloomberg Businessweek, Fortune, Harvard Business Review, Technology Review, Money and Fast Company, while the television commercial will air on Bloomberg TV, MSNBC and BBC World. Outdoor placement in the US includes key commuter rail systems, bus stops, parking garages and public phone booths in New York and Washington.

Caroline Halliwell, Director of Brand & B2B Marketing for the Financial Times, said: “The challenging and uncertain economic climate continues to generate an even greater demand for the FT’s expert news and commentary around the world. This new marketing campaign reflects how the FT’s unrivalled network of journalists continues to answer this call by providing essential international coverage of the most pressing issues of the day.”

Click here to view the creatives and television commercial.