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FT premium audience grows with addition of mobile apps

The Financial Times has announced the latest figure for its Average Daily Global Audience (ADGA), which for the first time includes users of smartphone and tablet apps.

According to the Financial Times, every day 2.1m people read FT content in print, online and through mobile apps around the globe, and the addition of new channels contributed to growth in excess of 9% year on year. Importantly, almost a quarter of a million readers (11%) access two or more channels every day.

ADGA uses a combination of sources including syndicated national and regional readership surveys, unique user and browser data, FT research based on large samples of its reader base as well as ABC circulation figures. The number is divided into channels as well as regions with almost 1.7m in print readership, 600,000 online and 25,000 for smart phone and tablet apps. Duplicated consumption is removed and PwC provides independent assurance.

Anita Hague, Global Research Director at the FT, said: “We launched ADGA in 2009 to provide an audience measurement that more accurately reflected our growing digital and multi-channel audience, and we have had a very positive response from the rest of the media industry. By increasing the number of channels we track, we can now map FT readers’ use of print and digital throughout the day and therefore better understand our increasingly mobile audience.”

In addition to the latest ADGA figures, the FT’s latest Global Reader Survey has found that readers are increasingly mobile with 25% taking six or more international flights per year, up from 14% in 2009. Furthermore, 67% conduct business internationally, 36% are C-Suites and one in ten is a millionaire. While most readers prefer using tablets and smartphones on the go, 40% of respondents choose to read the FT newspaper in order to find content they were not necessarily looking for.

10,578 people responded to the FT Global Reader Survey, printed in all newspaper editions and available on and smartphones.