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Future wins AdExchanger award

AdExchanger has named Aperture, the intelligent audience data platform from Future Publishing, the Best Publisher First-Party Data Platform for 2022.

Future wins AdExchanger award
Nick Flood: “Future’s expert data and product teams built Aperture in order to process, analyze, and segment all Future’s first-party audience data in real time and make it accessible to advertisers.”

Future says the award was announced at AdExchanger’s gala in New York on October 17th, and the Best First-Party Data Platform category finalists included Future Publishing, Disney, The New York Times, Trusted Media Brands, and Audigent.

Reaching over 300 million people every month, says Future, they have a wealth of first-party data and built Aperture to provide marketers with an audience targeting solution in a privacy-first landscape where the value of third-party cookies is diminishing and key behavioral insights are becoming more elusive.

Future says they are the only publisher that has been able to bring together hugely varied datasets to offer a robust future-proofed, cookieless audience targeting solution. They also say they are the only publisher to achieve this at scale, with Aperture collecting over 1.5 billion data points every month. This data is constantly analyzed and categorized in order to offer over 600 audience segments that meet every advertiser’s targeting need, the publisher continued.

“Future’s expert data and product teams built Aperture in order to process, analyze, and segment all Future’s first-party audience data in real time and make it accessible to advertisers,” said Nick Flood, global ad product & revenue operations director of Future. “This prestigious distinction from AdExchanger underscores how Aperture has been invaluable for our advertisers while preparing us for a more privacy-focused digital future.”

Launched in September 2021, the publisher says Aperture empowers advertisers to reach audiences with high purchase-intent using rich first-party data captured across Future’s portfolio of over 250 brands.

“Aperture allows advertisers to target audiences that are in-market for a new cell phone, a handbag, a TV, or those that have just purchased an item,” said Zack Sullivan, chief revenue officer of Future. “No other media company has access to the unique datasets nor produces the special-interest content that Future does, so this allows us to be the only publisher to precision-target audiences to meet advertiser demand.”

According to Future, Aperture won not only for its ability to meet advertiser’s audience targeting needs, but also for its innovation in how publisher’s use first-party data solutions to better understand and identify more of their audiences. Within the first six months of deploying Aperture, Future’s audience addressability increased by an astounding 450%, added the publisher. The platform now helps Future identify audiences from the first time they visit a Future site, on any device or browser. At a time when first-party data solutions are paramount to long-term digital advertising success, Future has given advertisers a new tool to reach audiences.

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