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Geordie Greig to be new Daily Mail editor

Lord Rothermere, Chairman of DMGT, yesterday announced that Geordie Greig will be the new Editor of the Daily Mail.

Geordie Greig to be new Daily Mail editor

Geordie’s appointment follows the announcement this week that Paul Dacre is to become Chairman and Editor in Chief of Associated Newspapers. Geordie, who will also have oversight of The Mail on Sunday, will take up the editorship of the Daily Mail when Paul steps back from day to day editing.

Ted Verity, currently Deputy Editor at the Daily Mail, will be the new Editor of The Mail on Sunday.

Lord Rothermere said: “Geordie has been an outstanding Editor of The Mail on Sunday, and I am delighted that he will continue the high-quality journalism that Paul has made a hallmark of the Daily Mail for more than 25 years.”

“I am also delighted that Ted Verity, who has been an exceptional Deputy Editor at the Daily Mail, is to become Editor of The Mail on Sunday.”

Geordie Greig has been the Editor of The Mail on Sunday since April 2012.

He started his journalistic career as a crime reporter on the South-East London and Kentish Mercury in Deptford. After staff jobs as a reporter on the Daily Mail and Sunday Today, he joined The Sunday Times in 1987 as a general reporter, before becoming Arts Correspondent.

He served as the paper’s New York correspondent between 1991-1995 and then as its Literary Editor until 1999 when he was appointed Editor of Tatler.

In 2009, Geordie was appointed Editor of the London Evening Standard and a year later also became Editorial Director of The Independent and The Independent on Sunday.

While at the Evening Standard, he launched the Dispossessed Fund which highlighted urban poverty in London, raising the most money of any newspaper campaign outside of war and natural disaster. He also started the Get London Reading campaign which has become a model for improving literacy in schools, says DMGT.

He is the author of The Kingmaker, the story of his grandfather’s close friendship with George VI, and Breakfast with Lucian, a biography of Lucian Freud.