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Get your paper working for you

Danny Doogan's article in the Publishing Partners Guide 2019

By Danny Doogan

Get your paper working for you

The war on plastics has considerably raised the profile of paper fibre as a viable alternative for sustainable packaging; and along with other global changes, the demand for paper pulp has never been greater – nor has its price!

The paper industry may be remembered for price increases in the last year or so, but printed media and communications have never been as important. The implementation of GDPR in 2018 has created a valid marketing route for direct mail, whereas it has complicated digital communications and, in some instances, prohibited them. Furthermore, there are signs now of people becoming more wary of digital advertising, and there is growing talk of digital device over-indulgence.

So, representing at least half (if not more) of your total print costs, perhaps it’s time to look at your paper doing more for you.

There is still a remarkable choice of innovative, sustainable publication papers available for conventional and modern print technology. Exploring different paper types can offer savings in all sorts of ways – for example, some of the hybrid grades available on the market allow you to reduce paper weight yet retain a similar bulk and visual appearance without too much in the way of compromise. This will have the effect of reducing your paper quantity, and so your paper bill, and it could also have an impact on print production and distribution costs.

FSC and PEFC should now be regarded as a minimum standard for all paper for print. There is an assumption that all paper is from sustainable sources, and although this is almost certainly the case, it is still important to convey sustainability through the use of a trademark and / or a statement that informs readers and customers about the paper’s environmental and social compliance.

The production and distribution associated with paper manufacture will itself be responsible for measurable amounts of carbon emissions, and this is a figure that can be offset or balanced through a verified project. Carbon Balancing is a scheme that already exists within paper and print, which, through the use of registered logos and certificates, provides a comparatively inexpensive way of demonstrating a powerful CSR message.

Buying your own paper enables an additional element of control. Whilst forecasting your requirements is imperative for budgeting, regular stock reconciliations will ensure that every kilo of your paper is accounted for, reclaiming the value of any over-usage and retaining any paper that’s under used.

Buying your paper through a specialist supplier is undoubtedly the best way to ensure your paper is managed efficiently. The added benefits are that you may be able to secure better pricing, but you will certainly have a one-stop shop for exploring relevant paper alternatives, with a samples and dummies service, environmental advice and the possibility of good credit terms.

This New Year’s resolution – get your paper working for you.

About us

Denmaur has been one of the established names in the print and publishing sectors since 1983. Today, Denmaur Paper Media has become one of the leading specialist paper suppliers in the UK, offering a comprehensive range of innovative and sustainable products to suit traditional and modern print processes.


