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Gill Smith named new Editor, Scottish Sun

Gill Smith takes on the role as Alan Muir steps down, after a career with The Sun spanning 33 years.

Gill Smith named new Editor, Scottish Sun
Gill Smith: “There are exciting times ahead as we look to build a newsroom for the future.”

Gill Smith has worked across Scottish media for over 25 years and at The Scottish Sun for the last 12. She has been Deputy Editor since 2016, prior to which she held a series of senior roles on the newsbrand including Head of Content, Assistant Editor, Head of News and Features Editor.

Gill has worked for a number of Scottish nationals, including the Daily Record and as News Editor for the Sunday Mirror (Scotland). And, during a five year spell with the News of the World, she was also seconded to work at the New York Post in the aftermath of 9/11.

The Sun’s Editor-in-Chief Victoria Newton said: “Gill has over 12 years’ experience at The Scottish Sun, the last four as Deputy Editor. There is nobody with a better understanding of the title – or of its passionate readers. I’m delighted to promote Gill to the role on International Women’s Day and I know she inherits a hugely talented team. My thanks also go to Alan for his long years of service.”

Gill said: “I am beyond thrilled to have been appointed Editor of The Scottish Sun and feel very privileged to become the first female editor. There are exciting times ahead as we look to build a newsroom for the future and I can’t wait to lead our brilliant team in the next chapter of the Scottish Sun.”

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