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Gizmodo readers test the future of mobile broadband

Gizmodo UK readers are this week being given a glimpse into the future of super-fast mobile broadband as O2 trials its 4G network in London – several years before the technology is introduced nationally.

4G or LTE (Long Term Evolution) is the next generation of mobile technology, offering speeds around 10 times faster than a 3G network. It’ll revolutionise the way we connect, allowing for rapid downloading and streaming wherever and whenever we are.

But although 4G technology has already rolled out in the US and around the world, it’s not expected to arrive in the UK until at least 2013 – making O2’s nine-month trial an extremely early look at the future of mobile broadband.

Gizmodo UK, the British edition of the world-famous technology blog, has been selected as O2’s exclusive media partner for the trials. Its readers will be the first UK consumers to experience 4G connectivity.

Selected Gizmodo UK readers received Samsung B3730 mobile broadband dongles at the Gizmodo UK launch party, which took place at The O2 last night. 4G demos were also available to all attendees at the event, along with gadget give-aways and the opportunity for the vibrant Gizmodo UK community to meet up ‘offline’ over drinks.

Over the next three months, the Gizmodo UK readers taking part in the trial will feed real-time performance data and anecdotal information back to O2, helping to improve understanding of the capabilities and benefits of 4G technology.

Kat Hannaford, Editor of Gizmodo UK, says: “We’re thrilled O2 chose Gizmodo UK for these landmark trials, and judging by our readers’ reactions, 4G is set to become the biggest new launch the UK market will have seen for years.

“The announcement of Gizmodo UK’s launch party, and the lure of 4G trials, saw our most-commented article so far with 400 comments to date, highlighting readers’ enthusiasm for not only the site but also O2’s exciting upcoming speeds.”

Rob Joyce, Head of O2’s 4G trial, says: “The announcement of our 4G trial has provoked real excitement around the future of mobile broadband networks, which is fantastic to see.

“Along with businesses and industry bodies, we want consumers and tech experts to get on board and really push our trial network to achieve its full potential. And who better that the readers of Gizmodo UK to do just that.”

Launched by Future in September this year, in partnership with US-based Gawker Media, Gizmodo UK had a fantastic first full month in October, says the publisher, with more than 450,000 unique users and over 4 million page views.

The success of Gizmodo UK and its stablemates, including T3 and TechRadar, have made Future the UK’s biggest technology publisher, claims the company. Its print, digital and event properties now reach more than 5.1 million tech enthusiasts every single month.