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Global internet adspend set to overtake television

A new report compiled by FIPP – the Worldwide Magazine Media Association – shows that total Internet adspend could overtake traditional television adspend by as early as 2017 on a global level.

Global advertising revenues have grown by an average 5% year on year since the start of the recovery from the world financial crisis in 2010. Total global adspend is now tipped to reach $700bn by 2019 with digital, and in particular mobile, fuelling much of that growth across regions. Internet advertising is already the dominant advertising platform in Australia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, and will add France and the United Arab Emirates in 2015.

By 2017, global growth in Internet advertising will reach a critical mass where the medium will overtake television as the number one advertising category in terms of adspend globally, say FIPP.

Search will continue to comprise the largest single component of Internet advertising until 2019, when the forecast ends, followed by display and mobile. Video is a fast-growing category in most major markets of the world. Online TV and video advertising revenues will reach multi-billion dollar levels in 2017.

Both e-commerce and m-commerce figures continue to grow around the world. The most prolific e-commerce nations with the highest percentage of Internet users engaging in e-commerce are China (80%) the UK (72%), India (71%), Germany (71%) and South Korea (69%). The global number of online users who shopped online "in the last month" has surged from 833 million in 2012, to 971 million in 2014. Similarly, m-commerce numbers are rising, from 420 million people shopping on their phones in 2012, to 530 million in 2014.

The full report can be downloaded here.