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Gold Key Media was official supplier to G8 summit

The Lough Erne Resort in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, selected Gold Key Media as their official supplier of hard copy and digital publications for the 39th G8 Summit that they hosted between 17-18 June, with the approval of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Providing a range of local and international daily publications to the resort, Gold Key Media supplied copies of leading broadsheet newspapers such as Le Monde, USA Today, the International Herald Tribune and the Nikkei, as well as local press such as The Belfast Telegraph and The Irish Times.

Gold Key Media also provided digital publications via the Mediabox - an online platform accessed through the hotel’s complimentary wireless - which enabled the leaders and their delegations from all eight member states to download their daily national broadsheets in real time. These included Izvestia (Russia), Nikkei (Japan), The Toronto Star (Canada) and Libero (Italy).

John O’Neill, Lough Erne Resort, said, “Lough Erne Resort engaged Gold Key Media to provide a comprehensive offering of publications for our delegates attending the G8 Summit 2013. They excelled in delivering a range of national and international press from around the world, both in hard copy and digitally through their Mediabox. Their professionalism and attention to detail was outstanding.”

Chris Horn, Managing Director of Gold Key Media, commented; “Being able to supply the G8 Summit delegates with a wide range of international publications in both hard copy and digital formats was a great opportunity for us to showcase our services to a truly global audience.”  

As part of the wider copy placement programme offered to publishers, Gold Key Media aimed to capture delegates at every point in the event cycle. This was achieved by supplying copies into outbound executive airline lounges at hub airports in G8 member states such as New York, Washington DC, Ottawa, London and Frankfurt. In addition to this, Gold Key Media worked with 30 key hotels in the Belfast and County Fermanagh areas, several private jet facilities, such as the St. Angelo Airport in Enniskillen, executive car firms contracted to the event, and finally, executive airline lounges in Belfast and Dublin, to target delegates returning home.

Due to the success of this activity, Gold Key Media will be offering a similar package for the G20 summit in St. Petersburg in Russia between 5 and 6 September 2013.