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Guardian appoints Merope Mills

The Guardian yesterday announced that Merope Mills has been appointed as editor of its new Saturday magazine.

Guardian appoints Merope Mills
Merope Mills: “The magazine will have so much offer in both print and digital forms.”

Mills is currently partner and editor at Tortoise Media, having previously held a number of senior roles at the Guardian including US west coast editor, editor of the Saturday paper, and Weekend magazine editor during an 18 year career from 2000 until 2018.

Guardian editor-in-chief Katharine Viner said: “Merope is a brilliant editor who brings experience, flair, and great ideas to everything she does. I am delighted she is returning to the Guardian to launch our new magazine which will showcase the best features, interviews, books, culture, lifestyle and travel each week for Saturday Guardian readers.”

Merope Mills said: “I'm thrilled to be coming back to the Guardian to launch an ambitious, bigger, wider-reaching Saturday magazine with the best writing in features and long reads, unrivalled coverage of books, culture, lifestyle and travel, and more. It's an exciting moment: the magazine will have so much offer in both print and digital forms.”

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