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Guardian appoints new Moscow and Beijing bureau chiefs

The Guardian yesterday announced the appointment of Andrew Roth as Moscow bureau chief and Lily Kuo as Beijing bureau chief.

Guardian appoints new Moscow and Beijing bureau chiefs

Andrew Roth is named as the Guardian’s Moscow bureau chief. An experienced Moscow-based journalist, Andrew has reported on Russia and the post-Soviet region since 2011.

Andrew will be replacing Shaun Walker, who after more than a decade in Moscow and four years at the Guardian, has been appointed the Guardian’s central and eastern Europe correspondent based in Budapest.

Most recently Andrew was a reporter in the Washington Post’s Moscow bureau where he led the bureau’s coverage during Russia’s military intervention in Syria, as well as reporting on allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential elections and several other international crises. Previously he was a Moscow reporter for the New York Times, covering the impact of Vladimir Putin's return to the presidency, the anti-Putin protest movement and the war in Ukraine.

Lily Kuo is named as the Guardian’s Beijing bureau chief. Based in the city, Lily will be working closely with Benjamin Haas, the Guardian’s China correspondent.

Previously Lily was Quartz's correspondent in Kenya, where she spearheaded the publication’s coverage of China’s presence in Africa through investigations into Chinese manufacturing in Rwanda, Chinese migrants in South Africa, China's foreign policy engagement in South Sudan, and other stories. Lily has also reported from Hong Kong for Quartz and covered general news for Reuters in New York and Washington, DC. She previously wrote for the Los Angeles Times and other publications while living in Beijing. An expert on China, Lily won the 2014 Society of America Business Editors and Writers award for international feature for her series on China’s water crisis.

Jamie Wilson, head of international news, Guardian News & Media said: “Andrew and Lily are both highly respected journalists and we’re thrilled they will be bringing their talent and expertise to the Guardian. We look forward to working with them both.”

Andrew Roth said: "I'm very excited to join the Guardian, a paper whose foreign coverage I have always deeply admired, as this region attracts more attention and controversy than at any moment since the fall of the Soviet Union. Amidst the extraordinary accusations of Russia's meddling in foreign elections and the ongoing war in Ukraine, the goal here remains the same: providing coverage that tries every day to hold those in power to account. I hope to do that from Russia, Ukraine, and the other countries on this beat, while taking time to tell stories that explore this vibrant and complex part of the world."

Lily Kuo said: “I am thrilled to be joining the Guardian and look forward to building on the paper's already excellent coverage of China."