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Guardian launches new creative to promote podcast

The Guardian, in partnership with in-house creative agency Oliver, has launched new advertising creatives to support daily news podcast, Today in Focus.

Guardian launches new creative to promote podcast
Kate Davies: “We know people often listen to podcasts when they are on the move, so this felt like a natural next step.”

Appearing on London Underground tube panels from 8 April and running for two weeks, the bespoke design was specially created with podcasting listening and commuting in mind.

The adverts feature transcripts of audio from two recent Today in Focus episodes (one on climate change and another on Brexit) with a large font overlapping the text to direct attention towards a clear call-to-action: ‘Don’t read this poster. Listen to it’. The design plays on the tube-car setting and the benefits of listening while on the move to suggest making Today in Focus part of your everyday journey.

The adverts will run across multiple tube lines in the London Underground network, with the designs adapted to appear in print in the Guardian and on social media.

Kate Davies, head of brand and awareness, Guardian News & Media says: “I am hugely proud of the concept behind this design, especially as it is one of the first times we have taken campaign creative for Today in Focus beyond our own Guardian channels. We know people often listen to podcasts when they are on the move, so this felt like a natural next step in reaching potential new listeners during their commute to work, while also providing an impactful design for use in print and on social”.

Sam Jacobs, creative director of The Guardian’s in-house Oliver team adds: “Today in Focus has been a pleasure to work on. Every day it offers a brilliant, inspiring listen and it’s the perfect commute companion. We wanted to raise awareness of The Guardian’s essential daily podcast and let tube commuters know that instead of staring at their social media or avoiding eye contact with the person opposite them they could listen in and discover the story behind the headlines”.

The Guardian’s Today in Focus launched last year and takes listeners behind the headlines for a deeper understanding of the news. In each episode, presenter Anushka Asthana examines a major news story, drawing on the expertise of Guardian journalists and correspondents from around the world, says The Guardian.