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Guardian launches Response+ Assured

Guardian News & Media is launching ‘Response+ Assured’, a new premium programmatic product, which guarantees that 100% advertisers’ spend will be viewed by real people, and is available now in the UK.

Response+ Assured has been designed to give advertisers complete confidence that their adverts are being viewed by their desired audience on any inventory booked through the new service, say the publishers. This will be achieved by only charging for ads that can be verified as being viewed according to IAB and MRC standards. This comes after the Guardian adapted all ad inventory on earlier this year to optimise viewability.

The Guardian has been working with Mindshare to trial Guardian Response+ Assured with a number of high profile brands.

The launch of Response+ Assured responds to market demands which require more transparency and proof that ads, especially programmatic, are being seen and providing tangible ROI.

Guardian News & Media has partnered with Integral Ad Science to evaluate the quality of impressions sold through Response+ Assured. They will independently verify the ad impressions delivered via Response+ Assured and prove they are in-view and seen by humans, not robots.

Nick Hewat, commercial director, Guardian News & Media, said: “Our guarantee of 100% viewability for our Response+ Assured product is another market-leading step we’re taking to prove the value and ROI of Guardian ad products. The Guardian provides one of the highest quality contextual environments as well as a premium ad service, and we can now offer advertisers unparalleled programmatic security. This is a further step that shows we lead the market in terms of trust and transparency.”

Alice Whitmore, Account Manager, Mindshare, said: “Mindshare strives to guarantee the highest quality media delivery across all our campaigns, which is why we are excited to be involved with the Response+ Assured product. Viewability and fraud are a huge concern across programmatic activity and we take all available measures to ensure that our clients can have complete confidence in their campaigns. The Guardian have addressed these concerns and provided a product which combines the advanced automation and centralised controls of programmatic targeting in a completely safe environment.”

Response+ Assured is a premium product offered by Response+, the Guardian’s managed programmatic platform. Response+ leverages advanced technology fuelled by the Guardian’s unique first-party data to deliver ads to audiences at scale, across and other high quality websites, says the Guardian.