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News supports Women’s Aid

This Christmas, more than £6.8 billion will be spent online which is why has teamed up with Give as you Live to support Women’s Aid, the charity dedicated to helping end domestic violence against women and children in the UK.

The Christmas Gift Guide provides readers with the chance to purchase gifts for him and for her from a selection of categories including luxury, food, charity & ethical and beauty.

Every time a purchase is made from’s Guide, money will be donated to Women’s Aid, raising vital funds for British women in need of help this Christmas. Editor Rebecca Holman says, “If you still haven’t started your Christmas shopping or still have a few presents to buy the Christmas Gift Guide is a great starting point. You can simply purchase great presents online safe in the knowledge that you’re doing your bit for a very good cause.” CEO Polly Gowers says: “If every gift bought online this year was made through Give as you Live an additional £170m would be raised for charity. We want to make sure as many people as possible are aware that they can help a charity with every purchase they make. It’s great to be working with to help spread the word.