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Hartlepool Mail goes weekly

After 145 years as a daily newspaper, the Hartlepool Mail becomes a weekly this Thursday.

Hartlepool Mail goes weekly

Its cover price will increase from 90p to £1.30.

The Hartlepool Mail recorded an average circulation of 1,570 over the course of 2021, reports Hold the Front Page.

The changes were detailed in a letter to newsagents from JPIMedia, that trade body the National Federation of Retail Newsagents has since published.

The letter from JPIMedia: “Please note that we have taken the decision to change the frequency of the Hartlepool Mail from a daily title to an all new bumper weekly publication.

“The new Hartlepool Mail will be bigger, brighter and will include all the regular news, sport and features of our current publication and much more.

“The first weekly edition of the Hartlepool Mail will be published Thursday 17th March and will then publish on every subsequent Thursday. Please ensure that from 17th March the Hartlepool Mail is well displayed in store and kept on sale for a full 7 days.”

“To launch the new weekly edition we will be running a fantastic 7-week in-paper promotion featuring Hartlepool United’s greatest heroes.

“On the launch week, every copy of the Hartlepool Mail will include a full colour glossy A2 sized Hartlepool United poster. The poster will include six blank A6 sized spaces.

“Every week for the next six weeks, the Mail will include a collectable colour postcard of a Hartlepool United Hero to go with the poster.”

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