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Haymarket acquires British Home Awards

Haymarket Media Group and Tee to Green Marketing have announced Haymarket’s acquisition of the British Homes Awards (BHA).

Each year, the British Homes Awards (currently in partnership with the Sunday Times) champions the best in contemporary design. This year’s Awards took place in October 2016.

This is the tenth year of the British Homes Awards, and the event continues to grow, with nearly 300 entries across 21 award categories, and a new prize for 2016 in the Manser Medal. These awards recognise the talent, effort and innovation of architects, designers, housebuilders, housing associations and developers, and celebrate the quality of the homes and communities they are creating. They showcase the best in design to industry as well as consumers, says Haymarket.

The acquisition marks Haymarket's ongoing investment into its rapidly growing Built Environment portfolio. “The addition of BHA into our portfolio brings together two sectors whose passion is for excellence in making the places we live and work better” said Philip Swinden, Managing Director, Haymarket Business Media. “Our Live Events team already run some of the largest B2B awards programmes in creative industries around media and design including Media Week, PRWeek and Landscape Design. Our publishing teams serve the Design/UK housing sector through Planning, Placemaking Resource and Planning for Housing, so we are exceptionally well-positioned to take these awards to the next level, building the portfolio of events, content and creative solutions specific for built environment sector’s needs."

“When I launched the British Homes Awards in 2007, there were 10 award categories alongside the design competition; since then the number of award categories has doubled.” said Mike Gazzard, Awards Director, Tee to Green Marketing.

“This year also sees the addition to the line-up of the Manser Medal, recognising innovation in one-off house design. This special prize gives me particular pleasure, as it highlights the contribution to these awards made by the inaugural chair of the judging panel, the respected architect Michael Manser. The awards are bigger and better than ever for 2016. They will continue to evolve to reflect innovation and excellence in UK home design, under the guidance of Haymarket Business Media. I look forward to continuing to work with Haymarket to help them grow this event.”