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Haymarket appoints new Chairman for Haymarket Network

Haymarket Media Group announced on Friday the appointment of David Prasher as Chairman of Haymarket Network.

David replaces outgoing Chairman, Haymarket Media Group CEO Kevin Costello, and will also continue in his role as Managing Director of Haymarket’s Consumer Media division.

Network is Haymarket Media Group’s content marketing agency, whose client roster includes Sports Direct, Volkswagen Group, the Football Association, Jaguar, CIPD, KPMG, LG, Berkeley Homes, CIPS, the IAAF, Kia, the British Army and UEFA.

As Chairman, David will work with Network’s Managing Director, Andrew Taplin, to support the execution of plans already in progress to develop and grow Network’s standalone agency business.

“I’m delighted to step into the role when there are many opportunities ahead for Network. Andrew and his team have built a great business, and, at a time when many brands are turning to the creation and multi-channel distribution of high quality content to achieve core marketing objectives, we have the core capabilities in place to help current and new clients engage their audiences,” said Prasher.

Network’s Managing Director, Andrew Taplin said: “It’s great to have David coming on board as we look to continue the growth of the Network agency business. Our success is founded on developing and delivering highly effective client-owned media, leveraging expertise from across the Haymarket group to the benefit of our clients. David’s involvement can only help accelerate this process”.

CEO Kevin Costello said: “Haymarket Network has a track record of delivering excellent content led solutions for its clients. David’s experience in our Consumer business and his position on the Global Leadership Exec leaves him very well placed to support the Network executive team in developing the business and extending the list of blue chip brands turning to Haymarket to deliver effective and engaging content across print, digital, social and live channels.”