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Haymarket releases first Modern Slavery statement

Haymarket has released its first statement on Modern Slavery in response to UK legislation, the Modern Slavery Act.

The Modern Slavery Act, which came into effect in 2015, requires companies with more than £36 million turnover to detail what they are doing to tackle slavery and human trafficking in their supply chain.

The first Modern Slavery statement follows a period of auditing suppliers which were defined as higher risk, and the introduction of a Supplier Code of Conduct, which is now released to every supplier.

The statement is published on the company's corporate site, and can be found here.

Head of Procurement, Gary Charlton, commented: "I'm thrilled that Haymarket is one of the first media organisations to release a statement on Modern Slavery, as it demonstrates again the integrity with which the organisation conducts itself.

"While we found no incidents of slavery in our direct supply chain, it is inevitable that slavery will exist in some form in the products we purchase. We must continue to do all we can to assist with the exposure of the scandal of modern slavery."