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Heffer to take sabbatical

Telegraph Media Group has announced that Simon Heffer, Associate Editor, has been invited to do post-doctoral work at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, for the calendar year of 2010.

Simon Heffer will be taking a sabbatical year from the newspaper. He will continue to contribute three weekly columns (for The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph and, whilst continuing to work on other projects for TMG.

Simon will return in an enhanced role in January 2011.

Simon Heffer said: “I am thrilled to have the opportunity, following the recent award by Cambridge University of a PhD, to go back to my college and involve myself in its life for a year.

“I am exceptionally grateful to TMG for their generosity and understanding in making this possible. I am looking forward to returning to the paper intellectually refreshed with this new and valuable experience behind me.”

Tony Gallagher, Editor of The Daily Telegraph, said: “This is a great honour for Simon and I know that he will thrive in the academic world.  I wish him every success in this new challenge.  I am delighted that he will still contribute to our Comment pages in his regular columns.”

The sabbatical starts from January 2010.