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How It Works prints extra copies for Science Museum promotion

In April, Future’s How It Works magazine printed an extra 5,000 copies for special distribution at the Science Museum in London.

How It Works prints extra copies for Science Museum promotion

The extra copies were printed with a special ‘Science Museum Visitor’ cover and some special subscription offers on the inside.

A spokesperson for How It Works magazine said: “We tied the cover topic in with a Science Museum exhibit (The Sun: Living With Our Sun) to provide a link between the Science Museum, the Science Museum visitor who enjoys science and technology, and How It Works. The event was a huge success and has helped us reach out to an audience that we hadn’t previously reached out to before. We’d gone to the target audience rather than waiting for the target audience to find us on the newsstand and How It Works served as a continuation to a great day out at the museum.”

“In this kind of exercise, you might expect a typical recipient of the magazine to take the free sample and continue with their day-to-day activities but that really wasn’t the case – we saw Science Museum visitors sitting on benches reading How It Works, families crowded around an issue, whilst young adults were even approaching us to take a copy of the magazine.”

“As a brand awareness exercise and a way to enhance our audience, the event was a fantastic achievement! We saw people engaging with our content and couldn’t feel more excited.”

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