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IET announces Chinese partnership

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has announced a partnership with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) to promote the IET’s open access journal, The Journal of Engineering.

The Journal of Engineering was successfully chosen to be indexed on the CAS Open Access platform, GoOA, following a stringent selection process, says the IET. The Journal of Engineering’s emphasis on high-quality, thorough peer-review, ensures the publishing of scientifically sound research across a broad spectrum of engineering fields including: electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, energy engineering, civil engineering, micro- and nanotechnology, computing and software, biomedical engineering and materials engineering.

Vincent Cassidy, IET Head of Academic Markets, said: “We are delighted to be working with the Chinese Academy of Sciences to promote the expansion of open access research.

“The Journal of Engineering offers a unique forum for the publication of research findings across a broad spectrum of engineering and its inclusion on the GoOA platform is a testament to the quality of research published since its launch.

“This partnership will allow Chinese researchers greater access to the latest in interdisciplinary engineering research and widen the global reach of this open access journal.”

The Journal of Engineering was also recently selected for the Clarivate Analytics Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).