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Impresa selects WoodWing Elvis DAM

Impresa, Portugal’s largest media group, has selected Elvis DAM as its new system to efficiently manage its stock of millions of current and legacy media assets and to streamline its photo workflow.

WoodWing's digital asset management system creates a future-proof platform to deal with the company’s rapidly growing file stocks, says WoodWing. This is a necessity as the publisher expects growth rates of several million images and other assets every year for its weekly newspaper Expresso, its extensive portfolio of magazines and various digital offerings. Integrated with WoodWing´s multi-channel publishing system Enterprise that Impresa implemented last year, Elvis DAM allows the team to tap the benefits of an integrated publishing and digital asset management environment. Impresa obtained Elvis DAM by leveraging the attractive subscription model offered by WoodWing. The deal was set during WoodWing´s Xperience conference in Lisbon on June 17-18, 2014.

Expresso and many of the company’s magazines are available in print and online as well as on Android and iOS tablets and smartphones. Digital editions represent 10% of overall sales of the group and a market share of 48% in digital publications in Portugal. The company also owns the Portuguese television station SIC with several channels.

Elvis DAM replaces a legacy archiving system that has long been used for data management. With the decision to transition to Elvis DAM, Impresa taps the benefits of a powerful DAM system, based on open standards and an architecture that enables unlimited scaling.

By implementing Elvis DAM, Impresa aims to unify the image workflow across all publications and to facilitate the archiving process. Impresa’s photo team will use Elvis DAM to collect images and video material. Photo editors will select assets for production from within Elvis DAM and hand them over to Content Station, the editorial management application of Enterprise. Elvis DAM will also be used to safely archive completed issues for future repurposing. Nearly 200 users will use Elvis with Content Station during the production process, while more than 1,000 users will access the Elvis archive.

In addition to Enterprise, Elvis DAM will also be integrated with the image processing system Claro Premedia from Elpical for automatic image enhancement.

“Elvis DAM not only meets our comprehensive list of requirements, but is also extremely powerful, enabling us to efficiently manage, repurpose and monetize our valuable content,” said Raul Carvalho das Neves, COO Operations & Technology at Impresa. “Due to its tight integration with our editorial system, we expect a significant increase in the efficiency of our overall workflows. Aside from the benefits of WoodWing´s solutions, their attractive subscription model was an important decision criterion for us.”

As Impresa’s archive goes back to the start of the company in 1973, it already contains millions of assets. For the newspaper Expresso alone, the team expects an annual growth rate of one million images. Elvis DAM relies on powerful search engine technology instead of a database approach. The system already serves customers with more than 20 million assets, but file stocks of publishers, agencies and marketing departments are growing very quickly, showing that digital asset management solutions need to be ready for the next step. At its recent Xperience conference, WoodWing announced version 5 of Elvis DAM. With a server architecture that has been entirely rewritten, the new version enables management of up to an unprecedented one billion assets.

The implementation of Elvis DAM will be executed by WoodWing’s partner PubliQare. “Elvis DAM is the perfect addition to WoodWing's multi-channel publishing system Enterprise for all challenging media-rich publishing workflows,” said Hans Fermont, Managing Director at PubliQare. “The decision to employ Elvis DAM is not only an important next step in the optimization of the processes at Impresa – it also marks a next level in the great business relationship between Impresa, WoodWing and PubliQare.”

“We are very pleased Impresa selected our digital asset management system Elvis DAM,” said Jeroen Sonnemans, Managing Director WoodWing Europe. “It´s one of the very few solutions able to cope with this fast-growing amount of assets and the high number of users. The customer is very satisfied with the fast implementation of our publishing system Enterprise and the achieved efficiency increase, and because the benefits of the integrated solution are so evident, Elvis DAM was an obvious choice. This is strong proof of our product strategy.”

About WoodWing Software

WoodWing says: “WoodWing Software develops and markets a premier, cost-efficient multi-channel publishing system, Enterprise, and the next generation digital asset management system, Elvis DAM. WoodWing’s solutions are aimed at magazine and newspaper publishers, corporate publishers, agencies and marketing departments to reach their goals for quality, economy and time-to-market.”