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Incisive acquires The Financial Services Forum

Incisive Media on 14 March announced the acquisition of The Financial Services Forum, a membership community for marketing professionals across the financial services industry.

Incisive acquires The Financial Services Forum
Jonathon Whiteley: “We have long admired the work of the FSF for creating a platform for knowledge sharing, networking and thought leadership.”

This highly complementary acquisition will support the growth of the FSF and broaden Incisive Media’s reach into the financial services sector, says the company.

The FSF is a membership organisation for marketers working at all levels of seniority across the sector. Members are supported with more than 60 strategic financial services marketing events every year, covering all sectors and marketing disciplines, an online knowledge centre, a broad range of email newsletters, awards ceremonies and summits. The Forum boasts members from more than 150 banks, insurers, asset and wealth managers, mortgage lenders and fintech businesses.

Founded in 1998 by Anthony Thomson, financial services marketing veteran and founding chairman of Atom Bank and Metro Bank, the forum has grown steadily under the management of David Cowan (managing director) and Richard Nolan (operations director).

According to Incisive Media, the acquisition will support the management of the Forum as they continue to grow the scope of services for members as well as broaden the membership base within the sector by accessing a larger, well-resourced event management and digital infrastructure and expert editorially-led thought leadership.

“As a leading financial media business and practitioner member of the Forum, we have long admired the work of the FSF for creating a platform for knowledge sharing, networking and thought leadership. We look forward to working closely with David and his team to support the growth of the Forum for the benefit of members,” said Jonathon Whiteley, CEO, Incisive Media.

David Cowan, managing director of the FSF said: “It’s an exciting time for the Forum. We are looking forward to enhancing the member experience through access to greater resources and expertise. The acquisition will allow the Forum to realise the potential for growth through the development of new ideas that complement and strengthen the existing portfolio.”

Anthony Thomson, founder of the FSF said: “John Seilis, Keith Carby and I co-founded the Forum with a belief that marketing should put the customer front and centre. Over the past 20 years we have been incredibly proud of the Forum’s achievements. It has grown to a point where its future can be better safeguarded as part of a bigger organisation. We have known and admired Incisive Media and its founders for many years and could not envisage a better home for the Forum.”