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Incisive launches Cyber Security Festival

Incisive Media is to present the first Cyber Security Festival, taking place this summer over three days: Wednesday 16th, 23rd, and 30th of June.

Incisive launches Cyber Security Festival
Alan Loader: “Cyber Security has never been a more important issue for IT Leaders.”

With cyber security at the top of the corporate agenda, says Incisive Media, its Computing brand is to present the inaugural Cyber Security Festival across three days in June 2021.

The event will comprise a combination of presentations, panel sessions, fireside chats, workshops, and networking, all designed to help IT professionals understand the latest cyber security thinking.

With many staff now working remotely, organisations have had to adjust their IT and security strategies to cope. According to recent research from Computing, 53 per cent of organisations have suffered social engineering attacks which play on the uncertainties created by the pandemic, and 44 per cent have seen increased malware attacks. The same number feel that they are more vulnerable to malware now than at the start of 2020.

Whilst the volume and severity of cyber-attacks seems constantly to rise, there are new tools and strategies for organisations to deploy in their defence. Most find that a combination of regular training, a spread of the right tools, and visibility of logs and monitoring dashboards reduces risk to acceptable levels. But which tools are the best fit for your organisation? How can you make training relevant and memorable, and should you link it to KPIs? How do you ensure you are seeing the right alerts and avoid information overload? These are some of the questions that the festival will seek to answer, says Incisive.

Alan Loader, Managing Director of the Enterprise Technology Business at Incisive Media, commented: “We are hugely excited by this new event, Cyber Security has never been a more important issue for IT Leaders. We look forward to the Cyber Security Festival becoming a real focal point for industry leaders to share best practices.”

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