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Incisive Media launches Computing Research

Incisive Media, one of the world's fastest growing B2B information providers, has launched a new business unit, Computing Research to provide the market intelligence that senior IT decision makers and IT vendors need to help them make better decisions.

Aligned to the launch Computing Research has released its first “IT Buyer’s Cycle Review”, a report that is aimed at B2B technology sales and marketing professionals offering unparalleled insight into the IT purchase process.

Computing Research offers its customers annual benchmark reports focused on key vertical sectors within the IT channel. Customers can also commission the Computing Research team to conduct bespoke research projects and can also take advantage of a range of complementary services such as videos and web seminars. 

Incisive Media is targeting two core audiences with Computing Research. The first group is senior IT managers that need to be able to make informed decisions on their IT strategy and spend.  The second is IT vendors, by offering greater insight into the needs of their end users Computing Research will help vendors to develop and deliver more saleable products.

Commenting on the news, John Leonard, Research Editor at Computing Research said: “Our first benchmark report reveals that great salespeople are worth their weight in gold, vendors are more often selected on people and relationship factors rather than on tech specs. It is these types of insights into the business needs of Incisive Media’s readership that will help vendors to understand the market better.”

Computing Research can survey thousands of IT professionals, ranging from CTOs to engineers, from across Incisive Media’s IT titles and can segment this data to cover a broad range of topics. In turn Incisive will be able to strengthen engagement with its readers given the research will allow Computing’s editorial team to offer more in-depth content. 

Tom Wright, Publisher, Computing Research said: “The nature of the publishing industry is changing and the value a publishing house can offer lies in its data, we recognise this and by monetising our readership we’re maximising that value. We are looking to make use of our database to offer more broad-reaching and in-depth reports and by fully leveraging our resources we are in a position to produce analyst grade research.”