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Independent News and Media goes live with NCS for newspaper circulation

Independent News and Media has partnered with PCS to rollout NCS for the Belfast Telegraph, allowing the publisher to create their vision for a circulation department of the future, says PCS.

Independent News and Media goes live with NCS for newspaper circulation

PCS carried out further bespoke development of its circulation, distribution and subscription management tool for Belfast Telegraph, who went live in December 2017.

Published by Independent News and Media, the Belfast Telegraph has been a leading title in Northern Ireland media since 1870 and has a daily circulation of 39,314. A need to maximise ongoing revenue, deliver the best customer service and prepare for future developments such as GDPR, led Customer Relations Manager Ian Hetherington to look for a partner for direct delivery and subscriptions.

After signing a five-year contract with PCS, Belfast Telegraph identified a couple of specific requirements they wanted NCS to deliver. Ian comments, “Having a development team on hand at PCS meant we could work together to make some enhancements to NCS that tailored it to our specific workflow. We now have an ad hoc reporting tool to allow us to report in-depth on our customer base and we can send messages in roundcards for direct communications. We also know that any further refinements can be made, due to the partnership nature of our relationship with PCS.”

Marvin-Dean Palmer, Product Specialist for Circulation at PCS comments – “The implementation of NCS at Belfast Telegraph will help with customer retention, increasing revenue and improving their subscription portfolio. The team have embraced the benefits and ease of use of NCS, whilst being able to ensure their distributors experienced minimum disruption during the period of change.”

Links / further reading: NCS from PCS