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Independent Retailers Take Concerns to Parliament

Today, independent retailers from all over the UK and Ireland will be enlisting the support of MPs and ministers to champion the importance of their sector.

Independent Retailers Take Concerns to Parliament

This call for action will come at a parliamentary reception hosted by MP Martin Vickers and organised by the NFRN – the trade association representing the interests of 15,000 independent retailers.

At this reception, the NFRN will be handing out copies of its 2018 Independent Retail Report which outlines the current challenges facing the safety, trading environment and future of smaller retailers and the assistance that politicians can provide.

Topics under discussion, says the NFRN, will range from the devastating impact that retail crime has upon independent retailers, their families and staff to the burgeoning illicit market in tobacco and alcohol; the duopoly in the news wholesaling market and the need for an investigation into the whole supply chain; and the financial burden from the Living and Minimum Wage and pension auto enrolment.

Commenting ahead of the reception National President Linda Sood said: “Independent retailers are the backbone of society. We are the engines of the economy and the contribution we make to our local communities are immense. But as our 2018 Independent Retail Report shows we are facing a multitude of threats.

“So the message that we need to get over loud and clear is that independent retailers need the government’s help if we are to operate profitably and contribute fully to the economy.”