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Independent retailers welcome Scotsman’s positive margin decision

The Scotsman has been thanked by members of the Federation of Independent Retailers (NFRN) after the newspaper announced it would be maintaining retailers’ profit margins when it increases the cover price of its weekend and weekday editions.

Independent retailers welcome Scotsman’s positive margin decision

From Saturday May 8, the price of the Saturday paper will rise by 5p, from £2.15 to £2.20. The following day (May 9) the price of the Scotsman on Sunday rises 10p to £2.40. Meanwhile, the new price of Monday to Friday editions increases by 10p - from £1.70 to £1.80 - from May 10.

Commenting, NFRN National President Stuart Reddish said: “Just recently we held an industry forum with Scottish newspaper publishers to discuss ways of boosting sales of the printed copy so the Scotsman’s announcement that it is maintaining retailers’ profit margins alongside price increases on all its editions is a great confidence booster for our members in Scotland.

“The Scotsman is demonstrating that it recognises the important role that retailers play in the news supply chain and, to repay this vote of confidence, the NFRN and its members in Scotland look forward to working closely with the publisher to further boost sales.”

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