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Insurance Day Wows Industry with New Video Series

Last month’s annual Rendez-Vous Monte Carlo offered the reinsurance industry an opportunity to learn from the experts through Insurance Day’s successful series of online interviews.

Insurance Day has made a series of 16 interviews available via open access. Twelve of the interviews were filmed during Rendez-Vous Monte Carlo, where the reinsurance industry’s major players have met annually for more than 50 years to discuss market developments, encourage strategic alliances and network. This year, more than 2,600 professionals from 80 countries were in attendance.

Insurance Day conducted, filmed and aired the interviews – which ranged in length from 4 minutes to 9 minutes – with key reinsurance experts including Hamilton’s Brian Duperreault, Hiscox Re’s Jeremy Pinchin and Kurt Karl, Jean-Jacques Henchoz and Jayne Plunkett from Swiss Re.

“The interviews, conducted by Insurance Day’s Deputy Editor, Sophie Roberts, were so successful and popular that they almost broke our bandwidth,” says Michael Faulkner, Editor of Insurance Day. “In addition, the analysis shows that many viewers went back over parts of the footage again. It demonstrates that there is enormous industry appetite for access to this type of reporting. We are delighted with the success of our interview series, which provided an outstanding showcase of the expertise in our industry.”

Swiss Re’s Jayne Plunkett had the most unique plays with Hamilton’s Brian Duperreault came a close second.

“All of the interviews have been popular and provide valuable and unique access to those who know our industry best,” explains Faulkner. “Our strategy was to engage the industry, providing a direct line to key experts.”

“The Insurance Day video series provided our industry experts with a global platform during this important time of year. All of the experts provided interesting, thought-provoking and informative insights into our industry,” says Faulkner.