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Introducing… our new website

It's been a long wait, but InPublishing's new website's finally here...

By James Evelegh

Introducing… our new website

We’ve relaunched our website! Wehey!

I announced that we’d be launching “our new mobile-friendly website… this side of Christmas” in the Sep/Oct 2017 issue of InPublishing magazine.

Err… that was a mistake. Mea culpa. It’s amazing how easy it is to underestimate the scale of IT projects and to not anticipate all the out-of-the-blue requirements that come along to divert your development team and eat into their precious time. Unless that is, you have enough resource to ringfence them. We don’t…

Anyway, that’s all water under the bridge. The new site is now live.

In redesigning the site, our top priority was to improve the reading experience, so the new site is responsive to the device you’re reading it on.

We also recognised that the needs of our readers in ‘News Media’ were different to those of our readers in ‘Consumer/B2B Media’, so we have created two content streams. Some stuff will appear in both; anything to do with the Sunday Times colour supplement is an obvious example. And for those who are equally interested in the two, then it’s easy to flip between them via the navigation bar / menu

The directory has also been rejigged with categories now grouped by function (‘Advertising / Commercial’, ‘Editorial / Content Creation’ etc), which should make it easier to find the supplier you want.

Much has changed both structurally and cosmetically; bigger pictures, bigger text, more white space, sharper design. The site has a completely new look and feel… I hope you like it.

A lot of work has gone into it and will continue to go into it. Unlike a print issue, a website can never be put to bed; development is an ongoing necessity.

Any and all feedback – positive or negative – appreciated.