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IOP celebrates most influential Chinese and Indian papers

IOP Publishing (IOPP) is celebrating the significance of Chinese and Indian research with its ‘Top-Cited Paper Awards’.

IOP celebrates most influential Chinese and Indian papers
Miriam Maus: “The extensive referencing of their work is testament to their significant contributions to the scientific record.”

For the sixth consecutive year, IOPP is recognising the strong research presence Chinese and Indian researchers have across the global scientific community and their valuable contribution to Physics.

The awards are presented to corresponding authors from China and India who are in the top one per cent of the most-cited articles published within IOPP’s portfolio of journals in the last three years.

This year, the awards have been extended to five new subject areas: Machine Learning, Energy Materials, Nano Science and Sustainability. These emerging fields represent nearly 15 per cent of the selected top cited papers confirming the growing interest in these subjects.

Together, nearly 200 Chinese articles received over 9,000 citations. The single most cited Chinese paper, which studies ‘Atomic mass evaluation’ received 260 citations in total. The second most cited Chinese paper ‘Regional determinants of China's consumption-based emissions in the economic transition’ received 178 citations.

In total, the 30 top cited Indian papers received over 1,600 citations and the most highly cited review paper received just over 190 citations.

Miriam Maus, Chief Publishing Officer at IOP Publishing, said: “I’m thrilled for our top cited authors from China and India. The extensive referencing of their work is testament to their significant contributions to the scientific record. With our Top-Cited Paper Awards, we recognise the valuable and far-reaching influence these research papers exert within the global scientific community.”

To see the list of successful papers, click here.

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