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IOP Publishing announces new name-change policy

IOP Publishing (IOPP) has implemented a new policy which will allow authors to change their name on previously published research. The aim is to support greater inclusion in publishing.

IOP Publishing announces new name-change policy
Kim Eggleton: “Creating a more inclusive and equitable publishing environment is important to us.”

The move is part of IOPP’s commitment to ensuring open, supportive and inclusive research environment. People change their name for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to gender identity, marriage, divorce, or a change in religion. In many cases, particularly for trans and non-binary authors, changing names needs to be approached with discretion and sensitivity, says IOPP.

The policy, which is effective immediately and was developed in consultation with the research community, applies to all content published including journal articles, conference proceedings and eBooks. It covers changes to names, pronouns, author photographs and contact details. Respecting the authors right to privacy is a key tenet, with assurance of full confidentiality and the option to change a name with or without a public notice. It offers a simple and seamless approach, with no requirement to disclose the reason for the request nor the need to provide name change proof.

Kim Eggleton, integrity and inclusion manager at IOP Publishing said: “We wanted to ensure that authors could change their name on already published research without a cumbersome process. Engaging with the research community in the development of the policy helped us to understand the experiences and frustrations that researchers had previously faced and we have built their feedback into our approach. A big thank you goes to all those who took the time to help us shape our approach. Creating a more inclusive and equitable publishing environment is important to us, so we’re pleased to have made another step in the right direction.”

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