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IOP Publishing to host inaugural Environmental Research conference

IOP Publishing (IOPP) is launching Environmental Research 2021 as a free-to-attend virtual conference for global stakeholders that will bring leading environmental experts together to share knowledge and address important challenges relating to the environment and sustainability.

IOP Publishing to host inaugural Environmental Research conference
Miriam Maus: “Being held online and completely free to attend makes the conference easily accessible worldwide.”

Taking place between 15 and 19 November, Environmental Research 2021 comes at a critical time as the world tries to find global solutions to issues aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

It will be one of the first major international scientific events taking place after the COP26 UN climate change gathering in Glasgow, providing the perfect platform for delegates to discuss key aspects from the world leaders’ talks, says IOPP.

With live-streamed presentations from diverse voices, topical panel discussions, poster sessions and interactive networking opportunities, Environmental Research 2021 aims to unite a broad cross-section of communities extending to environmental and social scientists, engineers and policy influencers at all career stages.

The conference is aligned with IOPP’s expanding Environmental Research portfolio of open access journals that includes Environmental Research Letters, Environmental Research Communications and Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability.

The programme is being developed by a distinguished group of academics, and will focus on global environmental change relating to the climate, energy, infrastructure and sustainability, health and ecology. The co-Chairs for Environmental Research 2021 are:

  • Michelle Bell, Yale University, USA
  • Arpad Horvath, University of California, Berkeley, USA
  • Dan Kammen, University of California, Berkeley, USA
  • Jintai Lin, Peking University, China
  • Katrin Meissner, University of New South Wales, Australia
  • Isla Myers-Smith, University of Edinburgh, UK

Professor Dan Kammen, co-Chair and editor-in-chief of Environmental Research Letters said: “With research, action, and verification now firmly on the table in the face of the climate emergency, I could not be more pleased that we are able to launch a global conversation. Hosted by Environmental Research Letters and IOP Publishing’s broader journals programme, I’m looking forward to developing a diverse programme with my colleagues on the committee that will explore what is currently happening, and what is needed going forward.”

Miriam Maus, publishing director at IOP Publishing said: “Environmental Research 2021 is a chance for true interdisciplinary communication as some of the world’s best innovators come together. Being held online and completely free to attend makes the conference easily accessible worldwide. We’re excited about the broad exchange of ideas and discussion that will take place as a result.”

Dr Tim Smith, associate director at IOP Publishing said: “Given the scale of the effort required to address the significant environmental challenges being faced, our hope is that Environmental Research 2021 will go some way towards maintaining progress through action informed by scientific fact. I’m looking forward to working with the organising committee to develop a programme that will shed light on the crucial issues and inspire further discussion.”

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