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IOP renews journals contract with IPEM

IOP Publishing has announced a renewed contract with the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), for the continued publication of two of its journals – Physics in Medicine and Biology and Physiological Measurement.

The renewal of the contract, which will start in 2018, marks the latest chapter in the long-standing relationship between IOP Publishing and IPEM, which now also includes an ebooks publishing programme.

IPEM’s Chief Executive, Rosemary Cook, said: “We’re very pleased to continue to have IOP Publishing looking after Physics in Medicine and Biology and Physiological Measurement. Physics in Medicine and Biology recently celebrated its 60th anniversary, and we are confident that IOP Publishing is the right publishing partner to take both of these very successful journals forward.”

Pernille Hammelsoe, IOP Publishing Associate Director, Journals, said: “We are thrilled to continue our outstanding relationship with IPEM to further grow and develop the journals. Both journals have seen significant development in recent years, and are among the leading journals in their respective fields and we look forward to further enhancing them in a highly competitive environment.”